Bookish Matters

The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.

—Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

Saturday, March 31, 2012

In the Kitchen—Menu

What I'm going to eat this week! So here's the thing, I don't really eat meals. At least not what most people consider meals—I either eat a lot of snacks or a lot of small meals. And I don't eat in any particular order—I might eat curry at 10 AM and yogurt at 8 PM. Breakfast is the only normal meal I eat. So I'm not going to break what I eat down into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for you, like I did last week.

Blueberry juice, grapefruit, or pear
Apple and sage field roast (It's like vegan sausage, made from potatoes and gluten, and is delicious. The meat-eaters I've fed it to have approved.)

Big green salad
Whole wheat pitas and hummus (We have a local hummuserie that makes great caramelized-onion hummus.)

Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes with chives and broccoli

Lemongrass curry with broccoli and tofu (Recipe from the March Vegetarian Times. Let me know if you want to know if it's good.)

Berry and soy yogurt smoothies

Extra-dark chocolate
Coconut and date bars

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